To keep this blog from
stagnating further, I shall update. Just had a performance with the Buddhist
youth on last friday. Played the guitar part for Xue Ling's song, The Young
One's. It went pretty well, dont think I sang too off key :P
I've come back from a 2 week trip to Chiang Mai doing community service.... will
update when I have the photos.
These days I find I need to remind myself to let go of the ego a bit more and
not think about I, I, I.
And I really need to find time to work on those half learned guitar songs of
mine, have to show some standard. Did I mention I'm now the vice- president of
the NYP Guitar Club? Well, I just did at any rate =)
11.41 p.m..Saturday April 5
Blog Revival ( I
Okay, so here's my umpteenth attempt at trying to revive this blog. So, this
probably means you'll see a post a few months later going something like ' So,
this is my umpteenth time + 1 time trying to revive this blog' and so on and so
forth hahaha. As usual, this blog post is being done as the alternative is worst
i.e. studying. The other alternative would be to go practice my guitar but I'm
giving that a rest as my fingers are sore (meaning I've just been practicing :p)
There really isn't much to update hahaha so I'll guess I'll go study now.
To make this blog more
colorful, I'll throw in some photos (courtesy of Su May)
Rehearsal with August for V-day Performance at BF.
How not to eat a durian lol
Okay that's all, gonna study now.
10.40 p.m.. Friday February 15
Update ( coz' the
alternative is doing work)......
Here's a little look into
my what I do these days....
scho..... dota
1.09a.m. Saturday January 12
Like, WHAT THE HELL ???!!!!!!
I'm not in the mood to be eloquent, so there.
Tuesday October 23
I have realized...
That I'm a very lucky person. Okay
I've realized that a lot of times before but I need to update my blog anyways =)
I must learn to be more appreciative.
Just found this guy on youtube, his name is Pierre Bensuan. He's a great
guitarist. I've heard some of his songs and I love them. Think I will be getting
his album soon hahahaha. I wish I'll be able to play like the guitar legends
someday. Like Tommy Emmanuel and Pierre Bensuan =) They play in such a way until
it seems like the guitar is singing to you. No need for lyrics. Absolutely
Check out this video of him playing one of his pieces called L'Alchimiste
translated as 'the Alchemist' (I think)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=kEbeHavDDDc .
2.41a.m. Sunday September 9
I am lost...
Don't know what I'm doing
and what I plan to do. How it'll be received and what people will think of me.
DO I even need to bother? No idea whatsoever :) I do know one thing, I
think I'm thinking too much.
On holidays now, wondering whether I should go get some temp jobs from 'Recruit
express'. Results should be coming in 2 weeks or so. Hope I managed to
increase my GPA.
Been listening to the Hairspray movie soundtrack. Excellent movie that, along
with Ratatouille (cool I managed to spell it correctly first time :) )
2.54p.m. Tuesday September 4
Random blogging...
Which can only mean I'm not doing something I should be doing. In this case, I'm
evading studying. Well, maybe typing it out will make me feel guilty enough that
I'll go and study.
Anyways, I had a headache today. And I had it exactly when my mom started
nagging me to go and study (my real mom, mind you. Don't worry, I don't mean you
you, Iceball) Well, I managed to get myself down to Macdonald's to study at
around 11.30pm and stayed till around 12.20 or so. Pathetic isn't it? Not
to mention that halfway through I remembered that there was a revision lecture
today at 9am which I didn't attend due to me waking up at 1pm around there. Life
really sucks when you gotta study.
Wow, was reading my own previous posts and I realize it's all typed when I'm in
a negative mood. Now, why would that be?? I have absolutely no idea at all. I
guess when I'm happy or high or something I usually don't even think about my
blog. So, long periods of no updates would actually be good right? Coz' that
would imply that doing okay wouldn't it? Guess this just proves it's
easier to say bad things then it is to say good things. hahaha, what am I
talking about.
When you've got time, go to you tube and search 'Dick Lee Anniversary' and
click the links about his anniversary concert. They're hilarious though I think
you'll only be able to appreciate if you're Singaporean. I find the Hossan Leong
stand up routine the best.
Recently, I've been listening to the Les Misérable soundtrack. Yea, just
something random to share.
2.55a.m. Wednesday August 8
Stop the world
I want to get off and die...
Had a different blog post planned but then my PMS
(Permanent Men's Syndrome) kicked in. Now that post will most likely be filed
under 'I wanted to blog but kept putting it off until it didnt matter anymore'
12.06a.m. Tuesday
July 24
OMFG WTF am I doing ??
Don't understand what the first 7 letters mean? Well, I"ll translate but for the
benefit of those who are sensitive to vulgarities I'll make the font really
really small like how I've seen people do on their blogs
like so
So translated, OMFG WTF means Oh My Fucking God, What The Fuck???
So, for those who actually want to
read the small print, go figure out how to see it if you really want to read it
so badly.
I'll finally use a blog like it's meant to be used and whine about my pathetic
existence on this planet since I have to conserve the amount of times I whine to
friends or else they'll get fed up with me :p Okay, I don't know if that would
really happen but no sense testing it out right?
This really sucks you know, I have a great weekend and then get brought down to
earth with a very painful bump *sigh*. Guess I shouldnt complain too much since
there are other people around the world who are suffering from worse problems
and who are infinitely less fortunate than me........
But since this is my blog, I don't really care. Sue me, I'm selfish. Hell if I
care what you (the reader) think, I need to update my blog anyway. I'm not even
sure how many people still read this blog.
So, on to the rant on my life. I just received another 2 results for my mid-
semester tests today. And they were BAD. Extremely bad. Bad as in 'I'm really
fucked up this time ' bad. Urgh, and the first 3 I got back weren't so good
either. 1 more result still has not come out and I'm hoping it's a 'A'. Argh, I
need to really sort out myself or else my GPA is just going to slide slide
slide. No matter what result I get for the last module , it won't mask the fact
that my grades are declining.
I am so screwed. I am seriously not looking forward to revealing my grades to my
friends ( well , not my classmates duh, of course they would know my results
already) These are the friends who would be extremely disappointed in me. Even
if I just wait for them to ask me for the results, that would be delaying the
inevitable coz' I promised myself NEVER to hide or lie to them. Not that I lie
to the friends not in that group of course. No, I say something like that cos'
this group is special and very dear to me. I just don't want to go through the
looks of disappointment the talks on 'working harder' 'having more
self-discipline' cause I've been through all that a thousand times or more. And
then the next question would be ' so since you know the problem, why don't you
do something about it?' Argh argh argh argh, maybe this is the wake up call I
need or something. I'm safe for the time being I guess since not a lot of them
read this blog (then again, I'm not sure if people still do read this blog) Sigh
it's always the same story of not working harder. But when I do put my heart
into something like guitar, I don't seem to improve that much. Yea I've improved
but still..... it's all expectations I guess.
So , moving along from that topic, I felt very drained in school after finding
out the results today. Before that, I was stressing out cause we have this
project on Food safety and I'm scared the group will do badly, guess I need to
buck up. So, after the stress plus depression of results, we ( my friends and I
) went to the canteen to eat before the last lecture of the day where I
proceeded to drown my sorrows in food. Due to the depression, I just zoned out
during the lecture and slept through everything. Thank goodness Milan is kind
enough to agree to write down the notes she made onto my notes. Bless her.
So, on the way home, nothing much happened until after Felicia, her friend,
Alan and Choon Kiat all alighted. I was sitting down reading when this old lady
who had sat down to me started trying to evangelize me. She was doing the whole
'Have you heard about Jesus Christ the lord and Savior who gave his life for us
on the cross of Calvary?' thing. I really didn't feel like debating and I
was too polite to interrupt so I just let her talk while nodding my head and
smiling and after 1 or 2 stops she got off. On a happier note, I noticed a
pretty girl sitting across from me who was smiling ( or more likely laughing
inwardly) at my predicament. Well, I don't know if she was smiling at something
else so I assumed that was what she was doing. Well, she really pretty so I
looked at her and rolled my eyes while smiling, indicating how I felt about the
situation. Had I been brave I probably could have stuck up a conversation or
something but I didn't. Oh well, who knows, maybe we'll meet again (but I highly
doubt that) Still, you never know though, the links of karma aren't clear cut.
Then, when leaving the station I was approached by a lady who was doing this
survey thing about savings and investment. Funny how it seems that all these
people approach you when you're having a crappy day. Well ,I stopped and
we chatted until it became apparent that I didnt need to know about the savings
and investment plan and headed home. No I didnt brush her off or anything
like that, I might be having a lousy day but no sense taking it out on people
who are trying to make a living.
Reached home, didn't eat dinner ( thanks to earlier drowning of sorrows in food)
Crashed out until 10. Result is, I'm up at 3am writing down this extremely long
blog post. Was playing guitar prior to typing all this out that's why there's
that comment on my playing a few paragraphs up. My bio-rhythm is downright
properly screwed.
Somewhere in between the guitar playing and typing this post and while typing
this post, I've been reading people's blogs. Here, It's someone's 4th month.
There it's another persons 6th month. Then theres someone who I guess it's only
a matter of time and I wish all the best for it. While reading, I have Jim
Croce's Have to say I love you in a song' playing in an endless loop. Take a
lucky guess on what I'm feeling? It's not that hard. Hahaha, sounds so emo.
Yeah, I guess I am being emo. Wishing for a girlfriend? I don't know. I'll just
let things flow around me. I'm not desperate but I can't help looking at
people's relationship and wishing for it too sometimes. Haha funny though,
sometimes I feel I dont need one sometimes I want one or wish for one but when I
do want or wish for one I can't imagine myself being a boyfriend. Haha I'll just
shake myself out of this emo-ness with the advice of my good friend (or a few
good friends since it's all essentially the same advice) : 'Aiyah, no need to
rush lah, when it comes it comes, just be paitient. On the other hand, you need
to focus on your studies. Go Study!' (well obviously they don't say it like that
but it's pretty close)
So now, I'm out of writing steam and it's 4 in the morning. I'm supposed to be
getting up for school in 3 hours time. I am seriously considering not sleeping
at all.
4.15a.m. Tuesday
July 17
In this whole universe
at present time of writing this post, the one person I officially hate the most
Surprised? Don't be. The reason I hate myself at present time may sound very
superficial or seem to so easily rectifiable that I shouldn't even be writing a
blog post about it. However, I am writing a blog post about it at present time
for reasons that will be made clear shortly in a paragraph or 2 ( assuming
of course, you're going to bother reading through this post) But first, the
reason why the words 'Present time' has appeared as frequently as it has so far
is because I'm sure that later today, I would not hate myself as I do now. At
present time. Gets pretty annoying doesn't it? I think I'll stop using the
phrase for the reminder of this post for everyone's sanity, including mine.
So, if you managed to read through that, congratulations. Now prepare yourself
for round 2! Nah, I don't think I'll carry on in similar fashion as the above
paragraph. I don't think I'll be able to take it.
So, why do I hate myself so much? Because I have no freaking self
discipline!! I have bloody tests coming up and its freaking important I do well
because scraping through doesn't cut it in Polytechnic. Do well or your GPA goes
down the drain and its harder to pull it up than to let it sink down. So,
instead of mugging everyday like a good student should be, I'm slacking. This
doesn't mean I'm not studying at all, I am studying, just at a very very slow
pace which I cannot afford to be doing since I have 6 tests to study for. My
tone might sound like I'm freaking out but trust me when I say that I'm not.
So, you might now ask 'so why in the world are you typing a long rant on this on
your blog instead of studying?' The answer in related to he fact that I have no
self discipline as expounded in the above paragraph. Simply because it is easier
for me to type out a blog post than it is to sit and study. And probably the
fact that I should update the blog.
You know something? I don't even have the self discipline to finish my blog post
without getting distracted. Now, as I come back to writing it after allowing
myself to get distracted, I find I've forgotten all the extra things I've wanted
to rant about. Quite irritating really since I remember starting this post with
a ton of things to write about. Oh well, guess I have no choice but to end the
One thing I do remember though. Thanks to my friends who have listened to my
endless tirades on this matter. I know its all in my head and I would like to
promise that I'll change but I know that to a promise like that is an empty one.
I'll just have to try my best.
Thursday June 21
Discretion advised (well, not really but it's a cool title for a post don't you
I've just realized I blog when I'm really bored. And believe me, I can handle
boredom really well (at least I like to think I do). Or when I don't wish to
inconvenience people with my incessant complaints about life. So, I'll just
write everything down here and you can CHOOSE to read my ranting and subject
yourself to it. Then, it won't be considered my fault when your brain cells
start to die a very slow and painful death due to the influx of very biased and
opinionated views of a pissed off teenager who just thinks at the moment of
writing this down that the world must be against him.
Well, in reference to the above paragraph, I'm not feeling like that. In fact, I
feel perfectly fine. It just feels nice to cut loose and write something that
doesn't involve me sitting in front of my laptop for hours trying to make my
sentences sound like they weren't directly lifted from my source while
maintaining their coherence.
It's been 2 whole months since I've posted. Quite a difference from when I first
started this blog. Back then, I posted nearly daily. I wonder how many people
actually bother to check this blog anymore. 'How come you update so rarely now?'
you might ask. Simple, I don't know what to post about. I've decided that I
don't want to post about my day. Probably because that would be along the lines
'I woke up at 12, shifted over to the sofa and slept until 3 in which I shifted
back to the bed and slept until 7 when I had to wake up for dinner.'
Who wants to read that???? I think you guys would rather I don't update. And no,
I don't really spend everyday like that. It Is an example of a few of my
days this holiday though (yes, I am on holidays now. Until April 16). Anyways, I
don't really wish to share with the whole wide world (this does appear on the
internet after all) about how I went about my day. Unless it was super
interesting (like I saved the world) but I seriously doubt that.
Oh well, I've run out of writing steam and I'll end off here. Shout out on the
tagboard yea? Then I'll know that people still visit this blog :) IF your lucky,
I might find something to blog about but I wouldn't hold my breath if I
were you.
Tuesday,3 April 2007

Cool, never knew I was so smart haha. Bright Mastermind :P lol.
In the meantime, nothing new to repot about my life. Have semester exams coming
Another Valentine's day passed me by. No date *sob sob* hahaha but I wish all
the couples long and happy relationships =)
Whoo, its damn fun to crap with some people lah. Conversation can flow like a
river. And then with some people it'll always be a monosyllable conversation or
just one liners. Oh well, that's how life is I guess.
I think I need to learn some self control instead of always going with the flow
and regretting later .....mmm mmm or maybe I'm just thinking too much again , I
think thats all I'm going put, all my randomness flow stopping haha.
Happy Chinese New Year all =)
12.20a.m. Saturday,
17 February 2007
Damn Lah
One day.....I'll look around me and actually realize in time that I've been a
moronic jerk and not after the event......... At least then the words are easier
to come out rather then after the event has taken place. Finding courage is
never easy..... and fear and thinking too much (especially thinking too much )
(can be called worrying too) makes it all the worse.
Man what a depressing first post of the year.......
'Lord of the Dhamma' my foot. I seem to be nothing but a failure.
Stupid me..... one day I'll get it right I suppose
8.47p.m. Monday,
17 January 2007
Forgot to update on the bottom post it seems. So, now everyone will get to
read 2 posts. lol
I'm in a reflective mood right now, just drifting from one thought to another,
not really going deep into anything. Hmmm, is the proper term reflective then?
Reflective thinking is about going deep and finding the reason or something like
that isn't it?
Or maybe I'm just writing all this crap down cause it sure beats the hell out of
starting my work. But I probably should start.
Oh, and I wish I had an acoustic guitar, have to return my friends one soon =(
But must remember not to neglect my classical one if I do get an acoustic haha.
3.45a.m. Saturday,
30 December 2006
Just did this thing
Your EQ is 93 |
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
Nice to know I'm average haha.
11.03pm. Monday,
11 December 2006
Some extra ranting
To continue from
yesterday's post. I feel really screwed up or 'pu dekucf' as my friend would put
it. If you don't know what that word means, don't bother trying to figure it
out, it's not worth it. I'm just putting all this down here cos' I'm in a don't
give a damn mood. I usually be careful am what I put down here. Why? I'm not
that sure anymore. Haha, maybe I'm finally going off the deep end.
Pay no mind to the above paragraph, I'm just in a mood.
11.28pm. Thursday,
7 December 2006
I just woke up...
Like, an hour and a half
ago. Oh well, I guess that means I'll actually be able to stay awake and do my
work....get some studying done. Seems to be the story of my life these days.
Wake up still tired, catch some extra shuteye on the train, attend classes, go
home, sleep until next day.... that seems to be about it. Repeat again and
again. Over and Over........ Maybe my body's just presenting it's bill for
having pushed it quite a bit in the early stages of this semester...lol.
The guitar club's performance has just ended, it was quite good. Yea. haha
that's all I have to say, I never seem to be able to put down specific events in
words. I just talk about things in broad terms.
I'm suffering from guitar withdrawal now lol. I have common tests coming up and
to get rid of one distraction around the house, I left my guitar in a friends
house. Haha, its so sad now when at school I think about how nice it would be to
go home and unwind by playing the guitar when I remember that I don't have one
at home now =(
I'm just going on and on and on and on......I think I better stop now. Until
next time....hopefully its not in another 3 weeks time or something lol
11.08pm. Wednesday,
6 Decemberr 2006
Oh, what the hell..........
I was typing up a long overdue post for this blog last night when I went and
lied down on the sofa and woke up this morning. I came back up to where I left
my laptop, the screen was closed. No surprise there, someone probably closed it
for me, But when I accessed my account, it was to find that all my internet
windows and MS FrontPage program was closed. Somehow or the other, my laptop
must have been switched off or restarted during the period I was slumbering away
on my sofa. A mystery I don't think I'll find an answer too. So, instead of
post of me going on about mundane things, you get a post about the wonderful
mystery of the first 1/2 hour of my life this Friday morning.
Posted in the afternoon.......
Wonderful, ain't it?
17 October 2006
You know what?
And the standard reply to
that question would be 'what' and my answer right now would be 'nothing'.
Diao. I don't know why, just felt like typing that down. Oh well, at least a
nonsensical post is better than nothing right?
Better get started on stringing my friend's guitar....
1.09 a.m.
22 October 2006
Back to school
After I type this post, I
will go to bed.....and when I wake up, I will have to go back to Nanyang
Polytechnic. Sad to say, my holidays have finally ended so I'll be saying hi to
MB0603 again in roughly 9 hours or so.
Whew, this holiday has been a good break for me so I guess I'm okay with going
back to school (though I bet in a few days time I'll be saying I want a longer
holiday :P )
Looking back, I've had an interesting holiday I guess. Class chalet........ did
some temp work......got some exercise......movie outing with friends
.......Halloween party (I know it's early)....Jazz concert......slept A LOT :P
But also some periods of 'down time' to put it mildly (if you understand
what I mean by 'down time' in the first place) Won't be elaborating more on
that.....and those who know exactly what I mean probably don't need me to
elaborate. Confused yet????? hahahaha :P :P :P
Have some friends who have finished their exams already, lucky them. But I
suppose it's fair 'coz when they were studying, I was on holiday :P This
semester I'm going to work hard and prove to everyone I'm smart Hahaha! And
hopefully this resolve won't crumble in the next few hours after waking up :P
Ok, I need to go get my sleep now so I'll end it off here. I'll do your tag game
some other time Andrew.
1.09 a.m. Monday,
16 October 2006
No, not from the
dead. But I'm back nonetheless. It's been so long since I last updated, my
apologies haha. I've been playing basketball every now and then to pass the time
during my holidays which are now half-over. =( I don't really have much to say
actually.......updating to let you all have something to read I guess lols
I really should make it a habit to update regularly about things happening
in my life or my views on something I guess..........thats the whole point
of a blog isn't it ?? hahahaha.
Oh wells, I need to get to bed now. I've got a 2 day temp job distributing
newspaper on the streets so I better get my sleep. I promise to update something
interesting next time.
Ok, I just remembered to type this story in. This happened around half an
hour ago: For some unknown reason, my password kept getting rejected by my
laptop meaning that I couldn't access my desktop and use the internet and listen
to music and update this blog. One would think I accidentally downloaded some
virus or someone hacked my com and changed the password or just plain forgot my
password (which is practically impossible since I use my laptop everyday). I was
facing the very bleak prospect of having to reinstall my OS (operating system)
and lose every single file I have in my laptop (this was suggested by my friend
as he said that hacking into the account is very hard).
Good thing I sorted it out; my 'num lock' was activated. If you dont know, when
the 'num lock' key is pressed, some of the alphabet keys on your keyboard will
type out numbers instead. For example, if 'Num lock' is on, if I were to press
the 'o' key, the number '6' will come out instead. So, with 'num lock' on, I was
actually typing out a series of letters and numbers which is different from my
original password which Windows did not recognize.
Windows should put a 'num lock' warning just like that 'caps lock' warning
on the entry screen to prevent future incidents to happen. It was a very
worrying 10 minutes for me I tell you. I became more frantic after my friend
told me I might have to reinstall my OS which would unfortunately mean (as
mentioned above) losing all my files in the laptop. The mere thought makes me
feel quite uneasy since I have all my songs and pictures inside. To lose my
songs would be terrible but to lose my pictures...... *shudder* Oh well, lucky
it didnt come to that !! =)
1.22 a.m.
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Something Magical
about Books
Just finished reading
Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony. My first fictional book in a long time.
For a few months now, if it wasn't school notes it was manga or graphic novels.
I know some people don't like fiction but I enjoy it a lot. Maybe its the happy
endings =)
hahaha I can't seem to get what I want to say about books translated into words
so I'll just end it off here :P
1.04 a.m.
Tuesday, 29 August 2006
What happens when you
study too much
The following happened while I was
studying in the NYP library with Andrew and Teck Hui =) Dont take it so
seriously people, its meant to be funny :P
Andrew: Ok, time to study chemistry (pulls out chemistry notes and starts
reading); Teck and Thow still doing math and becoming damn sian.
A while later, we hear Andrew reading his notes aloud
Andrew: the element carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6
electrons.........therefore, carbon is evil.
Thow and Teck stop math and stare at him
Andrew: because it has 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons, 666
get it? (in case you don't know, 666 is referred to as the devils no. in
Thow: That would make us humans evil then, our body has carbon...
Andrew: Correct what. We're all sinners.
Thow: ah, that's true. at least we're not complete sinners coz' we're not
entirely made of carbon. Means there's some good in us
Andrew: Yes
( Teck is just listening to us crap and laughing)
Thow: So the reason for all the good people in the world is because we're
not entirely evil. So, we should not judge all the criminals in prison like
murderers and sentence them to death 'coz there's some good in them too !
Andrew: True true.....Hey, just thought of something. When we breathe in,
we take in oxygen and when we breathe out we give out Carbon dioxide so if u
look at the equations
O2 + Human ---> CO2
Oxygen + Human ---> Carbon dioxide
So, every time we breathe we take in 1 mol (chemistry term) of oxygen and give
out 1 mol of Carbon (as its in the carbon dioxide). So, in a sense we're
purifying ourselves every time we breathe as we're clearing carbon from our
body. Therefore, we should breathe more!
(We're all laughing at this point, the neighboring tables were probably
wondering what's up with these mad people and wished we would shut up and let
them study in peace =P )
Andrew: Then, since we all eat right? And since carbohydrates have
sugars in them which has the formula C6H12O6 it
means we are introducing more 'evil' into our body. Therefore, we should eat
less. Ah.....maybe that's the reason for fasting!
Wonderful use of our brains right???? haha I think we have proven that studying
causes retardation. Therefore, we should not study :P Another version of
the above can be found on Andrew's blog. Just click on Andrew Oh at the links
section and scroll down to the 'Thursday 17August' post. haha, its different
from mine (maybe coz I remembered wrongly) but the main idea is there =)
Anyway, thats all I wanted to share, back to studying *sigh*
Monday,23 August 2006
Study Study, *Sigh*
In NYP library now even though I
have no school this week. But I have to come here anyway or else I wont study at
home hahaha. Semester exams start next week argh. Fortunately, the papers are
spread out (2 papers a week) and only 4 papers to study for. But must study a
lot of things =_= I can't wait for holidays to start , hope I get that work
attachment I applied for. Ok, I better get back to work.
Take care peoples
Wednesday,16 August 2006
Happy Happy,
For a while at least =) and I hope
it'll end up as a long while. Always seems to happen doesn't it? Something good
happens, you feel high for a while and then your mental state will fall down to
a basic level or dip lower until the next happy thing comes along and the cycle
will repeat...
Happens to everyone I guess....Goodness knows how many times I've went through
it. Then looking back, it seems so stupid but then the same thing will
happen again this time with different situations. hahaha
Recently came out from a week of 'stoning'.....Thanks lots to Rong Han for
putting up with me and to the people MB0603 if I've acted like an idiot towards
you (don't know how many of you guys actually read this blog lols) Oh Wells...
Reasons for being Happy (thus the name of this post) in no particular order: Met
up with the Buddhist Fellowship Youth and had a good time. Rediscovered
something I've forgotten. Got to know people more, had a few talks about stuff
to set me straight yea.... I've also gotten more shirts for school :) hahaha,
Thanks a lot to Lena for accompanying and helping me to choose the shirts =)
Haha can't believe I'm actually quite fussy about what kind of clothes I like to
wear.....Think I'm being too self conscious when no one really cares that
much or something . It's got to be something or else I wouldn't be like that
would I? Haha, and I'm thinking of getting another pair of jeans, pants or
shorts sometime in the future (probably not that soon though) but I can guess
it'll be another troublesome experience (for me or my friends?? hmmms) =P
Back to my reasons for being happy: Just occurred to me that NO MORE PROJECTS
hahaha and no more Lab reports after this week until next semester
whoohooo!!! But it's dampened by the fact that my end of semester exams are
coming up in around 2 weeks time or so =_= Oh well, every silver lining
has a cloud I suppose. I typed out the phrase in the wrong order coz that's the
way I'm viewing the situation : no more projects and reports (silver lining) but
semester exams coming (cloud) or maybe I've just misinterpreted the entire
phrase....It's supposed to mean that every good thing has a bad side to it or
something like that right? Like how a coin has 2 faces symbolizing that there's
always more then just one truth or 'equivalent exchange' as put in a current
manga series I'm reading now, 'Fullmetal Alchemist' (not sure if that ties in
with the above statements actually) hahaha.
Oh wells, its getting late ( or early depending on your point of view) so I
better end it off here. Hope the cycle (mentioned in the first paragraph)
dosen't start again that soon haha. Have a good week peoples and happy national
day in advance!!! (you all know how infrequently I blog =) )
Monday,7 August 2006
Just realized that I haven't
updated for over half a month.....so much for planning to update once a week =_=
Well, guess I don't have much to say either. Life just goes on and on. I have a
couple of tests coming up, hope I do okay for them....I feel so dumb in school
sometimes which is why I'm hoping I'll go through them okay =) I guess 'tests'
is a understatement since they're end of semester exams hahaha.. Nothing so
interesting to talk about my life or more rather, nothing's coming to mind right
now so I guess I'll probably end this post and go finish up my practical report
Monday,31 July 2006
In the Library.....
Got an hour left before the last 2
lectures of the day so might as well put something up.
Got nothing to really talk about except for the following funny story.....
Imagine this,you're walking with your friend to the bus stop after school when
your bus drives past you. 'DAMN' you exclaim and start cheonging to the bus stop
in hopes of catching the bus. So, you happen to be have a bulky sling bag over
your shoulder and a guitar bag in one hand, not to mention that your left shoe
is lose so you're also hoping it won't suddenly fly off your foot. Suddenly,
your right leg starts cramping. Crap right? then another 2 to 3 steps on, your
OTHER leg starts to cramp up too! And you're still trying to catch the bus "-_-
The above is a true story, it dos not only happen in comic books. I should know,
cause it happened to me ( well, duh or I wouldn't actually bother to
blog about it) So yea, something to keep you guys entertained for a while =)
Oh yea, finally got myself a proper padded guitar case ^_^
p.m. Thursday,13 July 2006
So, I finally decided to get a new
post up. Sad right? I actually wanted to try and blog like once a week.
Unfortunately though, with me being me I couldn't do it lols. At least this post
is only 2 weeks after my previous post instead of like 1 month :p
A little note, this post has no direction so it will just be me typing out a
whole bunch of random stuff that has happened recently in my life with no link
to each other whatsoever (hence the title) :)
My idol has flown away to Australia to continue studies. So sad,but at least
she'll becoming back to Singapore in around 3 months time, so just have to wait
:p Haha if you're wondering, call her my idol as a joke (at that point of time)
but I really do look up to her in terms of guitar skills and singing voice :p
Haha, also my part time 'conscience' sometimes in telling me to 'GO STUDY'
!!! So this paragraph is dedicated to you XueLing !! Take Care in
Australia =)
Think I'm going to change my guitar strings soon, but I'm scared I'll screw up
when changing it and damage my guitar beyond salvation. No lah, just debating
whether really need to change or not. I'm sure I'll be able to change it without
any major hiccups.
Lets see, what other stuff to talk about.....Oh yea common test week has ended.
I think I did okay except that I died for some papers haiz. I'm considering
saving up for an acoustics guitar next. Another guitar?? you might say but I'm
only considering so nothing set in stone. Guitar ensemble is freaking hard
lah, I hate sight reading >.< But I'll guess I'll improve eventually...Wah I
tell you, the Mr. Brown show is super funny, especially 'No More Birds' and 'eX
Ns Men 3'. Go find the podcasts on his show and have fun =)
See, this post really no direction right???? hahaha.
Okay for all the people on the tagboard and those who read the tagboard......I'm
sure you're all very interested about the 3 Girls and a Guy in a Car
story. Nothing much happened okay??? Just a whole bunch of joking around as
friends usually do. Don't let your imaginatios go into overdrive lols.
SuMay: No need to say sorry or anything, long time since my tagboard so active
:p Should be thanking you instead hahaha.
Wow, such a long post...didn't know I had so much to talk about :)
p.m. Saturday,8 July 2006
I could sit here and
rot for a long time...
The words uttered by my friend Xue
Ling as a group of us were leaving Sunset Grill after dinner. And I couldn't
agree more :)
I think that having a nice meal with good friends for company is something
magical . Its a lot different then when the group is doing something fun
together (with lots of laughter) or gathering around and playing a board game
(with lots of laughter). When everyone is just sitting around chatting quietly
with each other on various topics (although there would be lots of laughter when
the occasional joke is made:) ), the feeling is just nice and relaxed with a
sense of peace and belonging. It really is something wonderful to experience.
Nice background music and beautiful scenery helps too :p
I guess different people will feel differently (kind of obvious right?). Just
trying to describe what I felt in words I think comes closest to it cause I cant
really put my finger on it :p
a.m. Monday, 26 June 2006
One week left...
Till school starts again and what
better way to start off school reopening then a weeks worth of common tests. O
joy >_< So, I have 1 more week to try and cram 8 weeks of learning into my head.
Enough about that I think, school and work is such dreary topic..
Short meaningless paragraph here.....my tagboard seems back to normal :p
Besides trying to settle down and study, this past week has been full of happy
events like going out with my friends. Even though some people will say that I
shouldn't go out with friends too much, I feel that at least its better then
staying at home slacking away with no drive to study. At least after the outings
I have the motivation to get some work done so not all it lost right? Maybe
there is some hope for me lols.
p.m. Monday,19 June 2006
Back to basics on the
A different kind of basics though.......makes all the things I learned myself
seems like child's play even though it was hard at he point of learning. But I
guess that's true for everything in life. So I'm sure if I try really really
hard I'll be as good as the seniors at sight reading :p
Got 2 weeks break from school now, some break its going to be though because my
common tests will start immediately after it ends haha. Hope I don't lose my
head and end
up slacking the holidays away.
Short post again, but at least I posted hahas
a.m. Sunday,11 June 2006
Still not dead haha!
So, I finally found some time to update my blog. Too bad I can't find anything
to blog about. I think I'll give up trying to blog about 'what I did today'
cause I cant find enough words to make it sound like I had a really great time
even though I DID have great time at whatever thing I said I went too/took part
in. Am I making sense here ???? Maybe posting photos for people to look at would
be better coz' a picture paints a thousand words (as they say) and I would'nt
want people to have trauma trying to figure out this huge mess of words I'm
typing now.
Originally wanted to post photos but decided not too cause I think I should
upload this ASAP since this blogs dying from lack of posts.
So here's the post, maybe another one will come up in a month's (hopefully) or
whenever inspiration hits.
p.m. Wednesday,31 May 2006
Woke up at 3pm
Really, no joke. My body
must have been catching up on lost sleep or something.
Vesak day yesterday :) Went to Buddhist Fellowship (BF) early for the youth
practice even though all I did was hang around and take photos because I wasn't
singing with them for their performance later. When the time came, I
helped them set up the microphones before sitting with the audience and taking
videos of the performance. They were really great. Their hard work really paid
Too bad though, I've just uploaded the vids and found out that the quality's not
so good =(
Went to Mangala Vihara after that to see Tian Bao and Manel after which I headed
back to join the youth and we went to Paleilai (don't think I spelt that
correctly) temple for the candle procession before heading over to Dr Malcolm's
place for the Jamming party. It was great! Not exactly the kind of party you see
every day in Singapore I think.
Its been a great Vesak, hope everyone enjoyed it =)
p.m. Saturday,13 May 2006
Like fill in the
whatever here
No proper title for this
post because I'm not going to be talking about any specific thing today....
Finally decided to do a proper post as I wouldn't like people to think I'm
dead and start panicking and all that =)
Okay some meat in this post now...... 'Opening the door of your Heart' has just
wrapped up after 3 days. For those who don't know, 'Opening the Door of your
Heart' is sorta like a musical with skits and singing and all that but the skits
all have Buddhist themes. Its like a new way to spread Buddhist teachings =) I
had fun doing backstage for them, running around, bringing stuff out during the
'blackouts'. Additional perks in my opinion is that I get to take photos with
the choir members and actors/actress. Of course now I have another dilemma, I
went photo crazy and I have like 200 photos to sort out now........so I can send
them out to people. Haha, actually its not 200 photos coz' quite a bit of the
photos are blur....just need to whiz through and extract what I want =) I've
noticed that I can't really do like funny poses for the camera hahas maybe I
should go learn how to stuff like that, beats learning thermal equilibrium any
If my sentence structure or grammar seems wrong, I apologize. My English seems
to have degraded so much after Barker Road haiz..
Vesak Day is coming!! Another chance to spend more time with the BFY
people yay!!!!
Sorry Rong Han for still not doing your post.... hahaha
a.m. Thursday,11 May 2006
to be made
I'm not Dead!!!!
Isn't that great????? Haha, sorry but I've been really busy with school and all.
This isn't even going to be a proper post; Just a post to let everyone know I'm
still alive and kicking =)
a.m. Monday,8 May 2006
Changing font
size for my post to let people read better, no more straining of the eyes! See
so thoughtful of me.
So, orientation is over and I had a ton of fun. I was being damn loud,
crazy and super enthu throughout the 3 days of orientation. Always coming
up with lame stuff and things like that. But now, must set my mind back to
studies. "-_- School starts in 2 days *sigh* I was so excited for school to
start but after glancing through some of my textbooks I wish my holiday was
longer. haha
Pictures Pictures !

Ok this is us being lame by pretending to be some army platoon or something.
Don't know why its bur but its probably due to the guy who took the photo ( duh)
If you look really carefully, you'll notice I'm being extra by doing Scout

Another group picture, I'm sure you can see for yourself.

group picture no 2 still quite blur......to bad

2 guys in my class, Kangyang in
black, Cheng Kong in Green and my elbow on the left in blue.

After Orientation ended some of us
stayed back and more photos were taken I'll name the people from left to right.
1st row : Wen Yi, Senior Citizen Andrew 2nd Row: Jocelyn, Cheng Kong 3rd Row: Ah
Boon, KangYang (obscured) 4th row: Jia Hui, Me (no glasses) then behind me is
Teck Hui then Desmond.

More close up this time. The girl
talking on the hand phone across from me is No.1 ( really that's what we

Taken by No.1 while we were buying our books. Well, not exactly books....more
like compiled lecture notes. I was acting retarded (as usual) and Jocelyn didn't
know No.1 was taking a photo. See her blur look?
a.m. Saturday,15 April 2006
Things People do....
Right, so you have probably noticed
people tagging me on my board asking me to see their blog for details..... one
person I probably can ignore, now another person wants me to do it. Haha I'll be
a good sport but I won't be doing it today. but here is the instructions just so
you know what I'm supposed to be doing =p
My Perfect Lover
Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8
different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8
victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been
tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.
I don't know about the tagging 8 people bit, I'm too lazy to do it but I'll
be doing the other bit sometime within the next 2 weeks or something I guess =)
p.m. Monday,27 March 2006
Beach Beach
You'll realize I removed the
disclaimer I used to have on top. It was removed coz' I finally decided it was a
stupid thing to have. So, my updates to this blog have been few and far between
mostly because I don't seem to have much to update about.
Just yesterday I went to sentosa for the first time in years. Had loads of fun
there. I have never experienced so much fun on the beach before.
Hopefully, another similar outing will be on the way soon. And hopefully more
people will be able to come and join in the fun too.
Went to Brian's party yesterday also after the sentosa outing. Had a great time
reminiscing about stuff with Brian and clement as well as talking crap with both
of them and 2 new people I met. Still, the best part was when we threw the
birthday boy into the pool (what is the point of a swimming pool then?)
Not much about my day huh? No need to describe it in detail I think coz' I can
summarize it in one word : FUN! haha. Can you believe just to type this short
post I have spent at least 3 hours in front of my com? Probably because I was
also doing other things that distracted me haha.
a.m. Monday,27 March 2006
Update to Blank 2
Just found another cool music video
by Tally Hall on youtube. Go look for this song called 'break it down' by
them. I found the lyrics amusing but whether you guys like it depends on your
sense of humor I guess.
a.m. Tuesday,7 March 2006
Blank 2
Updating to let the people
know, I'm not dead!!! Like that'll make newspaper headlines =) Posting results
are out and I've been posted to my first choice. In case you don't know or
forgot, my first choice was molecular biotechnology in Nanyang Polytechnic. I'm
now waiting for them to send me a letter containing my enrolment details. Turns
out that recently I seem to have been screwing up the Venture Administration so
I hope I can get it sorted out before school starts.
I feel like recommending some songs to the people who read this blog. These are
some songs which I recently had introduced to me or I found out on my own and I
found them very nice. I'm recommending them here cause its my blog and I can do
whatever I want =)
Song name first followed by artist name
1. Winning Days - The Vines
2. Better Days - Goo Goo Dolls
3. Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss - The BloodHound Gang
4. Milk and Cereal - G Love and Special Sauce
5. Banana Man - Tally Hall
About the last 2 songs. Yes, they are real songs and I like them. How people can
come up with a song using words you don't normally associate with songs is
beyond me. And by song I mean coherent lyrics and choruses and stuff like that.
I believe you can watch music videos of these songs at this site called
youtube ; just do a search for it at the
site. Okay I think that is enough for today. Maybe I'll update again soon
a.m. Tuesday,7 March 2006
I'm tired of thinking up of titles.
Not much of what I put down here merit a title anyway so I'll leave it at that.
Doing this post to keep my English skills from deteriorating along with
everything I've learned after 4 years of studying at Barker Road. I'm serious,
after 2 to 3 months of not attending school I've found that I've forgotten
almost everything as compared to my friends in Jcs who at least still retain
some knowledge. Ha ha I'll probably be posting about how much I can't wait for
holidays after I go back to school.
Today was interesting. Everything was
normal until around 8p.m. when I found myself in PS with Marcus, Hong Yi, Mao,
Andrew and Kevin. We arriving in time to see a modeling competition taking
place. I guess to the people reading it might see very interesting but to me it
was. We met some of my old teachers there also and I ended up watching the
competition with Marcus until 10 'o clock before we both deciding to go home.
a.m. Saturday,25 February 2006
ACJC Fun O Rama was
Really it was. I went there
today around 1240 and just walked around until I met my friends David and
Justin. We then walked around some more until I went to Justin's stall and got
my hair spray painted 5 different colors!! Then after a while I saw Kevin
and Kian Chew and they went and paid for me to go to another stall to get more
stuff sprayed on my head. This time though it was silver and pink glitter. Haha
I probably looked like some mad man going around like that. Good thing it all
washed off after I got home and showered. I don't really have much to say as all
I did was walk around buying food and drinks until my coupons ran out. I don't
really play much games at funfairs cause the good prizes are all absurdly hard
to get. But I played one or two to support my friends stall :) I was also
debating whether to get and ACS Jacket coz' it was damn expensive. 60
Bucks!! But luckily I got stranded by the rain until nearly the end of the
carnival so that when I went back, they dropped the price to 40 dollars. so I'm
now the proud owner of an Acs Jacket. A reminder of the institution I spent my
Secondary school days in. Even though the jackets from ACJC and not Barker
a.m. Sunday,19 February 2006
Got my O results back,
Applications a pain in the neck
Hey, that rhymes!!!!! hahahahahaha .
I'm going crazy now. Anyway, I got my results back already as said in my title.
I didnt do too badly........got mostly threes and fours. No distinction for
english, how sad =( and my one and only distinction is for my Geography of all
subjects. That shocked me as I was writing Geog off as a C6. I'm glad I managed
to pass my Amath and not fail anything at any rate. No more Os for me!!! WooHOO!!!!!.
About application, its not really a pain cause I haven't applied yet but the
process of figuring what course to go for is worrying me. Thanks to my mom
though I managed to narrow my choices down to a handful, mainly those courses
dealing in health and life sciences. Just going to mull it over for a day,
hopefully I'll get my answer. =)
L1R5= 18
L1R4= 14
p.m. Sunday,12 February 2006
Went Kite Flying
Really, I did. Was at a New
Years celebration yesterday when my friend came and told me 'I'm really
bored and I'm thinking of going kite flying, want to come too?' Well I agreed
since I was getting bored of playing cards and a whole bunch of us went and got
2 ready made kites from a nearby shop and tried to fly them. We didn't manage to
get the kites flying very high. And they didn't stay up very long either. Still,
we all had a lot of fun trying. We roughly spent 3 hours or so running around. I
bet the people passing by or looking down from the flats were wondering what was
going on. I guess I would too if I looked down from a window to see a couple of
teenagers running around with 2 kites. Its not a common sight anymore I think.
Because of Chinese New Year and some other things I now have a super long break
from work till next week. Thats good and bad in a way I guess. Got a bit of free
time but also no money flow. Ha
a.m. Thursay,2 February 2006